System update¶
The NitroPad watches for changes to important system files to detect third-party tampering. This means that special steps are sometimes necessary when updating the system. This can often be recognized by the fact that the system prompts you to reboot.
Procedure After a System Update¶
Boot Hash Mismatch¶
If you restart the NitroPad after an update, the startup screen should initially appear as usual without an error message.
If you press Enter afterwards, you will get an error message that looks like this or similar:
Confirm the message with Enter to have the files changed by the system update verified. Afterwards you will be asked again for a confirmation.
Now insert the Nitrokey if this is not already the case and confirm with Enter. Then you must enter the User PIN of the Nitrokey (default: 123456). You will not see the characters you typed in on the screen.
Heads expects an English keyboard layout, on which e.g. “y” and “z” are swapped in comparison to the German keyboard layout. If you agree with the default selection (which is written in capital letter) you can also simply confirm by pressing Enter.
Please confirm that your GPG card is inserted [Y/n]:
Verifying presence of GPG card...
Please unlock the card
Counter: X
Now the NitroPad marks the files changed by the update as verified.
Boot Entry Has Changed¶
Next, either another error message appears or the operating system starts. This depends on the system update. If the following error message appears, proceeds as described below:
First confirm the error message shown above. Then we see a list of all possible boat entries - choose the first one by simply pressing Enter.
To save this value as default, select the option “Make Ubuntu the default” for Ubuntu or “Make Qubes the default” for Qubes OS in the next window.
Now the Nitrokey has to be plugged in, if this is not yet the case.
Confirm the question "Saving a default will modify the disk" with Y. Confirm the question "Do you wish to add a disk encryption to the TPM" with N. Confirm the question "Please confirm that your GPG card is inserted" with Y. Enter the User PIN of the Nitrokey whenever prompted (default: 123456).
Heads expects an English keyboard layout, on which e.g. “y” and “z” are swapped in comparison to the German keyboard layout. If you agree with the default selection (which is written in capital letter) you can also simply confirm by pressing Enter.
Saving a default will modify the disk. Proceed? [Y/n]:
Do you wish to add a disk encryption to the TPM [y/N]:
Please confirm that your GPG card is inserted [Y/n]:
Verifying presence of GPG card...
Please unlock the card
Counter: X
Your system will then boot.