Šifriranje e-pošte S/MIME s Thunderbirdom¶
Compatible Nitrokeys |
✓ active |
⨯ inactive |
⨯ inactive |
✓ active |
⨯ inactive |
✓ active |
✓ active |
⨯ inactive |
If you do not have a S/MIME key-certificate pair installed on your Nitrokey yet or if you did not installed OpenSC, please look at this page first.
You need to have OpenSC installed on your System. While GNU/Linux users usually can install OpenSC over the package manager (e.g. sudo apt update && sudo apt install opensc
on Ubuntu), macOS and Windows users can download the installation files from OpenSC directly.
Uporabniki sistema Windows s 64-bitnim sistemom (standard) morajo namestiti tako 32-bitno kot 64-bitno različico OpenSC!
Nastavitve v Thunderbirdu¶
Pred uporabo ključa Nitrokey v Thunderbirdu morate v nastavitvah računa aktivirati šifriranje S/MIME. To lahko dosežete tako, da kliknete na meni in preidete na „Nastavitve“ -> „Nastavitve računa“ ter v oknu z nastavitvami računa kliknete na „Varnost“.

Kliknite na „Security Devices“, da uvozite pravi modul PCKS11. Na desni strani kliknite „Load“. Modulu zdaj dajte ime (na primer „OpenSC Module“) in kliknite na „Browse“ (Prebrskaj), da izberete lokacijo modula (glejte spodaj).

On Windows the right file lays under “C:WindowsSystem32opensc-pkcs11.dll”. On macOS and GNU/Linux the file should be in “/lib/pkcs11/opensc-pkcs11.so” or “/usr/lib/pkcs11/opensc-pkcs11.so” or alike. Press “OK” twice and you are back in security section of the account settings. Now you can actually choose a certificate on the upper part of the window. You should get asked for a PIN to unlock your Nitrokey. Please type in your User PIN.

Pri sestavljanju e-poštnega sporočila lahko zdaj izberete šifriranje in podpis sporočila.