
Preverjanje zapečatene strojne opreme

If you have ordered the unit with the option “sealed screws and sealed bag”, please verify the sealing before unpacking. If you do not know what this means, skip this section.

Postopek varnega zagona

With the NitroPad and NitroPC, malicious changes to the BIOS, operating system, and software can be easily detected. For example, if you left your NitroPad in a hotel room, you can use your Nitrokey to check if it has been tampered with while you were away. If an attacker modifies the NitroPad’s firmware or operating system, the Nitrokey will detect this (instructions below).

Each time you start the NitroPad or the NitroPC, you should - if possible - connect your Nitrokey. If the Nitrokey is plugged in and the system has not been modified, the following screen will appear when it is turned on.


The box marked in red contains the information that the BIOS has not been changed and that the shared secret of the NitroPad or the NitroPC and the Nitrokey match. But this information is not sufficient, because an attacker could have faked it. If at the same time the Nitrokey also flashes green, everything is fine. An attacker would have to have had access to the NitroPad or NitroPC and Nitrokey to achieve this result. It is therefore important that you do not leave both devices unattended.

If the information on the NitroPad or NitroPC does not match the information on the Nitrokey, the background would turn red and the message “Invalid Code” would appear. This could indicate that manipulation has taken place.


V nadaljevanju je opisano, kako je lahko videti postopek zagona, če je bil sistem spremenjen (na primer po posodobitvi), in kakšna sporočila o napakah se lahko pojavijo.


The NitroPad and NitroPC can also be started without the Nitrokey. If you don’t have the Nitrokey with you, but are sure that the hardware has not been manipulated, you can boot your system without checking.


Po nakupu so gesla nastavljena na privzeto vrednost in jih morate spremeniti sami:

  1. Po zagonu sistema pritisnite Enter („Default Boot“), če naprava NitroPad ni pokazala nobenih napak in če je tipka Nitrokey zeleno osvetljena (glejte zgoraj).

  2. Next, the system will prompt you to enter the passphrase to decrypt the hard disk. The passphrase is initially „12345678“.

  3. Sistem vas bo nato vodil skozi postopek ustvarjanja uporabniškega računa. Po tem morate uspešno zagnati sistem in ga že lahko normalno uporabljate.

  4. Open the pre-installed Nitrokey App and change the PINs of your Nitrokey as described here.

  5. Spremenite geslo za šifriranje trdega diska tako, da v meniju Qubes poiščete „Change Disk Passwort“. Ta geslo se razlikuje od gesla vašega uporabniškega računa.

    Sprememba gesla Qubes Image
  6. Naprave NitroPads so dobavljene z najnovejšo namestitveno sliko operacijskega sistema Qubes, ki jo je treba po namestitvi posodobiti, saj ne vsebuje vseh najnovejših varnostnih popravkov. Za posodobitev uporabite upravitelja posodobitev, kot je opisano v dokumentaciji Qubes.


Namestitvena slika Qubes 4.2.3 za NitroPad V54 vsebuje napako, ki omejuje uporabo le najvišje zaslonske ločljivosti. To se odpravi po posodobitvi dom0 in ponovnem zagonu.

Obnašanje po posodobitvi sistema

The NitroPad and NitroPC firmware checks certain system files for changes. If your operating system has updated important components, you will be warned the next time you boot the NitroPad or NitroPC. This could look like this, for example:


That’s why it’s important to restart your NitroPad or your NitroPC under controlled conditions after a system update. Only when the new status has been confirmed can you leave the device unattended again. Otherwise, you will not be able to distinguish a possible attack from a system update. Detailed instructions for a system update can be found here.

Failed to Start Load Kernel Modules

Med zagonom sistema se prikaže napaka „Failed to start Load Kernel Modules“. To je znana težava, ki ni kritična in jo lahko prezrete.