Preverite zapečateno strojno opremo

If you ordered your NitroPad or NitroPC with sealed screws and in a sealed bag, it allows you to check if it has been tampered with during shipping.

Vrečka in vsi vijaki na spodnjem delu naprave so zapečateni. Za vrečko in vsak vijak ste po e-pošti prejeli fotografijo. Usmeritev fotografij je takšna, da je baterija na vrhu.

  1. Vsak vijak posebej preverite, ali se videz posameznega vijaka ujema s fotografijo. Za to je najbolje uporabiti povečevalno steklo ali makroobjektiv. Vijaki so oštevilčeni na naslednji način.

    Nitropad NV41:


    Nitropad NS50:


    Nitropad V54:


    NitroPad X230:


    NitroPad T430:


    NitroPC Pro 2:

    For the NitroPC Pro 2 we use tamper evident tape on the casing. After receiving your computer check that no tape have been removed. Then you can remove the tape and use rubbing alcohol to remove the tamper marks.

    Ta primer prikazuje zapečaten vijak, katerega bleščice predstavljajo posamezen vzorec.

  2. If the bag or the screws do not match the photos sent, an unauthorized opening of your NitroPad or NitroPC cannot be excluded. In this case please contact us to arrange further action.