

NetHSM PKCS#11モジュールは、コンパイル済みのバイナリとして入手するか、ソースからコンパイルすることができます。


  1. リポジトリの`リリースページ<>`__ から、お使いのシステムに対応するモジュールファイルをダウンロードしてください。

  2. モジュール・ファイルを、PKCS#11アプリケーションがそれを見つけることを期待するディレクトリにコピーする。


  1. `Rust toolchain<>`__ をインストールする。

  2. `リリースページ<>`__ からソースをダウンロードして展開するか、`リポジトリ<>`__ をクローンしてください。

  3. cargo build --release をソース・ディレクトリで実行する。



  • /etc/nitrokey/p11nethsm.conf`

  • /usr/local/etc/nitrokey/p11nethsm.conf`

  • $HOME/.config/nitrokey/p11nethsm.conf`


env 変数``P11NETHSM_CONFIG_FILE`` (e.g.``P11NETHSM_CONFIG_FILE=./p11nethsm.conf``) を使って、設定ファイルの場所を手動で設定することができます(この設定ファイルだけが読み込まれます)。



# Set this option to true to enable the compatibility option for the C_SetAttributeValue() function.
# This allows the applications using the Java Sun PKCS11 module (like EJBCA) to generate keys.
# When using this, the names given to the keys will be ignored and the keys will have random names.
# Under the hood it will store in memory the name given to the key when calling C_SetAttributeValue(). When a certificate is uploaded it will check if the name was previously passed to C_SetAttributeValue() and translate it to the real name on the NetHSM.
enable_set_attribute_value: false

# Optional log level, acceptable  values are Trace, Debug, Info, Warn and Error
log_level: Debug

# By default, the module logs to both syslog and stderr, trying the sockets /dev/log, /var/run/syslog and finally /var/run/log
# A custom socket can be configured:
syslog_socket: /var/nethsm/log
# Instead of a socket, a custom UDP or TCP syslog can be configured:
# syslog_udp:
#    to_addr: 127.0.0:1:514
#    from_addr: 127.0.0:1:4789
# syslog_tcp:
# Only one option among "syslog_socket", "syslog_udp", "syslog_tcp" can be configured at the same time

# You can configure the syslog facility ( "kern", "user", "mail", "daemon", "auth", "syslog", "lpr", "news", "uucp", "cron", "authpriv", "ftp", "local0", "local1", "local2", "local3", "local4", "local5", "local6" or "local7"):
syslog_facility: "user"
# You can set the hostname (for use only with syslog_udp or syslog_tcp)
# syslog_hostname: "localhsm-pkcs11"
# You can set the process name (defaults to the process name obtained from the OS)
# syslog_process: "NetHSM Pkcs11"
# You can set the pid used in logs (defaults to the process id obtained from the OS)
# syslog_pid: 0
# You can also configure a custom file, or "-" for stderr.
# log_file: /tmp/p11nethsm.log

# Each "slot" represents a HSM cluster of server that share the same user and keys.
  - label: LocalHSM                        # Name your NetHSM however you want
    description: Local HSM (docker)        # Optional description

    # Users connecting to the NetHSM server
      username: "operator"
      # If the password starts with `env:`, it will obtain the password from an environment variable:
      # password: "env:LOCALHSMPASS"
      password: "localpass"
      username: "admin"

    # List the NetHSM instances
      - url: "https://keyfender:8443/api/v1"   # URL to reach the server
        # To avoid having to re-open connections on each requests, the module keeps a connection pool to each instance. If the module is used by a multithreaded application, multiple connections can be opened at the same time.
        # This configures the maximum number of connections in the pool at the same time.
        # Note that this does not limit the total number of open connections.
        # Having a degree of parrallelism that is higher than the max number of idle connection can lead overhead as those connections will be closed an re-opened frenquently
        max_idle_connections: 10
        # By default, the certificate of the HSM will be validated using the system's root certificate authority.
        # When the NetHSM uses a self-signed certificate, it can be verified against an allowed list of sha256 fingerprint of the NetHSM's certificate:
          - "31:92:8E:A4:5E:16:5C:A7:33:44:E8:E9:8E:64:C4:AE:7B:2A:57:E5:77:43:49:F3:69:C9:8F:C4:2F:3A:3B:6E"
        # Alternatively certificate checks can be skipped entirely with danger_insecure_cert option.
        # This should be avoided if possible and certainly not used with a productive NetHSM.
        # danger_insecure_cert: true
    # Configure the network retry mechanism. If absent, no retries are attempted on a network error
      # The number of retries after a network error
      count: 3
      # The delay between retries, in integer seconds
      delay_seconds: 1
    # Configurable timeout for network operations. If a network operation takes more than, `timeout_seconds`, consider it failed. If `retries` is configured, it will be retried.
    # Defaults to infinite
    timeout_seconds: 10







通常のPKCS11ユーザーはNetHSMオペレータに、PKCS11 SOはNetHSM管理者にマッピングされます。



  • コンフィギュレーション``password: "mypassword"`` のプレーンテキストで。

  • env: のプレフィックスを持つモジュールが読み込む環境変数:env:ENV_STORING_THE_PASSWORD

  • pcks11-tool の例では、pkcs11 のログイン機能を使ってください:pkcs11-tool --module -p opPassphrase` 管理者パスワードを入力するには、代わりに``--so-pin`` を使用する必要があります:pkcs11-tool --module --login --login-type so --so-pin Administrator`

