Ændre bruger- og administrator-PIN-kode¶
Compatible Nitrokeys |
✓ active |
⨯ inactive |
⨯ inactive |
✓ active |
⨯ inactive |
✓ active |
✓ active |
⨯ inactive |
The user PIN is at least 6-digits long and is used to get access to the content of the Nitrokey. This is the PIN you will use a lot in every day use e.g. for decrypting messages, for unlocking your encrypted storage (NK Storage only) etc.
Du kan ændre bruger-PIN-koden med Nitrokey-appen, hvis du bruger en Nitrokey Pro eller Nitrokey Storage. I Nitrokey Appen åbner du »Menu -> Configure -> Change User PIN« for at åbne dialogboksen til at ændre PIN-koden.

Du kan nu ændre bruger-PIN-koden i dialogvinduet.
The user PIN can have up to 20 digits and other characters (e.g. alphabetic and special characters). But as the user PIN is blocked as soon three wrong PIN attempts were done, it is sufficiently secure to only have a 6 digits PIN. The default PIN is 123456.

Admin PIN-kode¶
The admin PIN is at least 8-digits long and is used to change contents/settings of the Nitrokey. That is to say after initializing the Nitrokey you probably won’t need this PIN too often (e.g. if you want to add another password to the password safe of the Nitrokey Pro or Nitrokey Storage).
Du kan ændre administrator-PIN-koden med Nitrokey-appen, hvis du bruger en Nitrokey Pro eller Nitrokey Storage. I Nitrokey App åbner du ›Menu -> Configure -> Change Admin PIN‹ for at åbne dialogboksen til at ændre PIN-koden.

Du kan nu ændre administrator-PIN-koden i dialogvinduet.
The admin PIN can have up to 20 digits and other characters (e.g. alphabetic and special characters). But as the admin PIN is blocked as soon three wrong PIN attempts were done, it is sufficiently secure to only have 8 digits PIN. The default PIN is 12345678.