Verifikation af forseglet hardware¶
If you have ordered the unit with the option “sealed screws and sealed bag”, please verify the sealing before unpacking. If you do not know what this means, skip this section.
Procedure for sikker opstart¶
With the NitroPad and NitroPC, malicious changes to the BIOS, operating system, and software can be easily detected. For example, if you left your NitroPad in a hotel room, you can use your Nitrokey to check if it has been tampered with while you were away. If an attacker modifies the NitroPad’s firmware or operating system, the Nitrokey will detect this (instructions below).
Each time you start the NitroPad or the NitroPC, you should - if possible - connect your Nitrokey. If the Nitrokey is plugged in and the system has not been modified, the following screen will appear when it is turned on.

The box marked in red contains the information that the BIOS has not been changed and that the shared secret of the NitroPad or the NitroPC and the Nitrokey match. But this information is not sufficient, because an attacker could have faked it. If at the same time the Nitrokey also flashes green, everything is fine. An attacker would have to have had access to the NitroPad or NitroPC and Nitrokey to achieve this result. It is therefore important that you do not leave both devices unattended.
If the information on the NitroPad or NitroPC does not match the information on the Nitrokey, the background would turn red and the message “Invalid Code” would appear. This could indicate that manipulation has taken place.

Hvordan opstartsprocessen kan se ud, hvis systemet er blevet ændret (f.eks. efter en opdatering), og hvilke fejlmeddelelser der ellers kan forekomme, er beskrevet yderligere nedenfor.
The NitroPad and NitroPC can also be started without the Nitrokey. If you don’t have the Nitrokey with you, but are sure that the hardware has not been manipulated, you can boot your system without checking.
Løsning på Ubuntu 24.04.¶
Der er en (issue), der forhindrer Ubuntu i at vise luks-dekrypteringsskærmen, hvis den startes med heads. Det er der, og du kan indtaste din adgangskode blindt, hvorefter Ubuntu starter normalt. Følg disse trin:
Starter med hovedet. Hvis der ikke skal gøres noget, starter Ubuntu automatisk.
Efter et stykke tid vil du se en sort skærm med hvid skrift på de sidste linjer:
Locking TPM2 platform hierarchy...
Starting the new kernel
Disse linjer viser, at Ubuntu er ved at starte.
Vent 5 sekunder og indtast derefter din adgangskode (»12345678«, hvis du starter den for første gang) efterfulgt af Indtast.
Nu vil du se den normale Ubuntu-skærm. Når du starter for første gang, skal du gennemføre den indledende konfiguration.
Kom godt i gang¶
Efter købet er adgangskoderne indstillet til en standardværdi og skal ændres af dig:
Tryk på Enter (»Default Boot«) efter opstart af systemet, forudsat at NitroPad ikke har vist nogen fejl, og at Nitrokey er grønt lysende (se ovenfor).
Derefter beder systemet dig om at indtaste adgangskoden for at dekryptere harddisken. Passphrasen er oprindeligt »12345678«. Dette blev ændret på 10.04.2024, så hvis »12345678« ikke virker, kan du prøve den gamle standard: »PleaseChangeMe«.
Systemet vil derefter guide dig gennem processen med at oprette en brugerkonto. Herefter skulle du have startet systemet op og allerede kunne bruge det normalt.
Open the pre-installed Nitrokey App and change the PINs of your Nitrokey. To learn more about how to change the PINs, please refer to chapter Change User and Admin PIN.
Ændre adgangsfrase til disk-kryptering. Hvis du vil vide mere om, hvordan du ændrer adgangsfrasen til disk-kryptering, kan du læse mere om, hvordan du ændrer adgangsfrasen til disk-kryptering, i kapitel Ændre adgangsfrase til disk-kryptering. Denne adgangsfrase er forskellig fra din brugerkonto’s adgangsfrase.
Adfærd efter en systemopdatering¶
The NitroPad and NitroPC firmware checks certain system files for changes. If your operating system has updated important components, you will be warned the next time you boot the NitroPad or NitroPC. This could look like this, for example:

That’s why it’s important to restart your NitroPad or your NitroPC under controlled conditions after a system update. Only when the new status has been confirmed can you leave the device unattended again. Otherwise, you will not be able to distinguish a possible attack from a system update. Detailed instructions for a system update can be found here.