Factory Reset Heads 2.0¶
Razões para reiniciar para as configurações de fábrica¶
Your Nitrokey is locked (e.g. due to multiple incorrect PIN entries)
Perdeu a sua Nitrokey (caso em que vai precisar primeiro de uma nova)
You have installed an operating system yourself (e.g. after changing the hard disk)
O seu sistema operacional não inicia
All data on the Nitrokey will be lost if you reset your device. Therefore please backup your data before performing the reset.
Ligue a sua Nitrokey ao NitroPad.
Liga o NitroPad.
Seleccione «Opções».
Select “OEM-Factory Reset /Re-Ownership”.
Confirm Reset with “Continue”.
A integridade da sua instalação será testada, dependendo do motivo que o levou a efetuar a reinicialização, o que pode falhar.
As perguntas seguintes podem ser respondidas com a opção Predefinição. Basta premir Enter se quiser apenas repor o dispositivo.
Would you like to change the current LUKS Disk Recovery Key passphrase? (Highly recommended if you didn't install the Operating System yourself, so that past provisioned passphrase would not permit to access content. Note that without re-encrypting disk, a backuped header could be restored to access encrypted content with old passphrase) [y/N]: N Would you like to re-encrypt LUKS encrypted container and generate new Disk Recovery key? (Highly recommended if you didn't install the operating system yourself: this would prevent any LUKS backuped header to be restored to access encrypted data) [y/N]: N The following security components will be provisioned with defaults or chosen PINs/passwords: TPM Ownership password GPG Admin PIN GPG User PIN Would you like to set a single custom password that will be provisioned to previously stated security components? [y/N]: N Would you like to set distinct PINs/passwords to be provisioned to previously stated security components? [y/N]: N Would you like to set custom user Information for the GnPG key?[y/N]: N Would you like to set custom user information for the GnuPG key? [y/N]: N Checking for USB Security Dongle... Detecting and setting boot device... Boot device set to /dev/nvme0n1p2 Resetting TPM... Resetting GPG Key... (this will take around 3 minuts...) Changing default GPG Admin PIN Changing default GPG User PIN Reading current firmware (this will take a minute or two) Adding generated key to current firmware and re-flashing... Signing boot files and generating checksums
Irá mostrar os PINS GPG predefinidos e a palavra-passe TPM
Confirm the subsequent restart.
Após o reinício, o segredo OTP deve ser criado. Confirme o processo com Enter.
Introduzir a palavra-passe TPM (predefinição: 12345678)
Digitalizar o código QR com o telemóvel para importar o TOTP Seceret (opcional) e premir Enter
When prompted, enter the Admin PIN of your Nitrokey (Default: 12345678) and hit Enter
Você deve então acessar o menu Iniciar.
Pressione Enter para iniciar a «Bota por defeito».
Se você vir a mensagem de que ainda não existe um padrão, por favor siga o procedimento descrito em «Solução de problemas»: Menu de arranque por defeito».